On January 29 Chief Hohenberg, Sheriff Jerry Hatcher and Sheriff Jim Raymond took the Boys and Girls Club Youth of the Year 4 finalist candidates shopping for professional clothing for their competition event.
Community Care Cases On November 10, 2018 Officers were contacted by a female who traveled from Juno Alaska to Kennewick six days prior. She hoped to connect with family who lives in Kennewick hoping they could help her because she could no longer afford to live in Alaska. The family was aware of her arrival but refused to allow her to stay with them or assist her. She had nowhere to go or gas in […]
Community Care Cases On October 24, 2018 Officers contacted a family of 4 with 2 kids. Family had traveled from Georgia to Kennewick for work with a residence included. Job fell through; the father was able to find assistance through another organization the following day. A night at Clover Island provided for the night.
Community Care Cases On October 11, 2018 Detectives were investigating a case involving a forcible rape of a 15 year female by a 26 year old male. The suspect was found guilty of rape and awaiting sentencing. The victim’s family consists of a single mother raising 4 children with the oldest being the 15 year old. The family lives in a small trailer and with very limited resources. Resources were utilized to purchase them with […]