KPD Foundation is a registered corporation with the State of Washington and is recognized by the US Government as a 501C-3 tax-exempt non-profit foundation. All monies raised by KPD Foundation are dedicated to our mission of professional development and community partnership.
KPD Foundation does not engage in political activity, donate funds to individuals or provide funds to municipal or departmental deficit or debt reduction efforts. Your support is key to creating the opportunities for the partnership, preparedness and recognition that our public safety professionals need and deserve.
KPD Foundation gratefully accepts donations of any size
Donate to The Kennewick Police Department Foundation through PayPal.
Send us a check:
Please send a check made out to “The Kennewick Police Department Foundation”
and send it to:
The Kennewick Police Department Foundation
8524 W. Gage Blvd. A-1
Box #311
Kennewick, WA 99336