July 26th, 2022

July 23rd, 2022
July 24, 2022
July 29th, 2022
August 1, 2022
July 23rd, 2022
July 24, 2022
July 29th, 2022
August 1, 2022

On 07/26/2022 at approximately 0710 hours, Officer Castilleja and Officer Salter responded Southridge Sports Complex regarding a welfare check. While in route to the location dispatch advised that a male subject, who was a double amputee, was sleeping in the bushes of the location with a wheel chair next to him. Upon arriving at the location, they contacted a male. The male advised that he was ok and hadrecently been released from Trios Hospital. He stated that he had been transported from the Yakima Indian Reservation (Wapato) to Trios,by ambulance, and now had no way to get back to Wapato. During our contact with him, he advised that he didn’t have any person that we could call to assist him in getting back to Wapato where he lived. It was apparent to officers that he was displaced here in Kennewick and needed assistance getting back to Wapato. Officers assisted him in arranging a cab ride (Rad Cab) back to Wapato so he could get back home. The cab ride was purchased using the community care fund.