Jan. 27th, 2020

Jan. 14th, 2020
January 14, 2020
Jan. 28th, 2020
January 28, 2020
Jan. 14th, 2020
January 14, 2020
Jan. 28th, 2020
January 28, 2020

On January 27, 2020, a female called the station requesting assistance with 2 nights lodging for her and
her 6-year-old daughter, reporting that she spent the last of her money to pay for lodging on 2/25 and
2/26 and is in the process of obtaining assistance for housing. She reported that she sought assistance at
the women’s shelter, but it was full. I contacted the women’s shelter confirming that they are full, and
contacted the Motel 6 to confirm information provided by her and ensure she has not presented the
business with any problems. As a result, 2 nights lodging were provided to her and her daughter.