January 4th, 2023

January 1st, 2023
January 2, 2023
January 4th, 2023
January 5, 2023
January 1st, 2023
January 2, 2023
January 4th, 2023
January 5, 2023

On 1/4/2023, Sergeant Thatsana was dispatched to Trio reference the Community Care Fund. He contacted the head nurse and was advised that 7 months pregnant female and her boyfriend, both are from Salt Lake, Utah. They were in Bremerton, WA visiting his family. They were on their way home and were in a rollover accident on the highway. The vehicle they were in flipped a couple of times and the Jaws of Life had to be used to get them out. Needless to say, the car will not run again. Washington State Patrol responded to reference the accident and had them transported to Trios for medical attention. The female and the baby are fine, but male might have back problems. Atthis time its unknown if his back is broken or not Trios is putting them up at the hotel near the hospital for the night. Officers contacted them on 1/4/2023 and were unable to purchase Greyhound tickets at the time. Officers got them a room for one night at Clover Island Inn. Officers purchased two Greyhound tickets for them to leave town on 1/05/2023. Male called Kennewick Police Department again on 1/5/2023. Officer Goulet took the male’s call. Officer Goulet was advised that the bus they were supposed to get on was delayed due tothe weather on the: pass. Officer Goulet called Clover Island Inn and paid for another night.  They eventually left town on the bus.