Jan. 29th, 2020

Jan. 29th, 2020
January 29, 2020
Jan. 30th, 2020
January 30, 2020
Jan. 29th, 2020
January 29, 2020
Jan. 30th, 2020
January 30, 2020

On January 29, 202, Officer Quinones contacted a female by phone who was requesting assistance for
rent through the community care fund. She said she was hoping to get assistance to pay this month’s
rent due to not being able to make ends meet after her fiancé was let go from his job at IHOP. Jennifer
was currently not working due to recently giving birth to a now 6 month old. Officer Quinones contacted
property staff and spoke to management. They confirmed the information provided by the female thus
far, adding that she was a tenant at the location and they had just been served with a 14-day notice for
no payment. Management said she and fiancé were not problematic tenants and knew of their current
situation. They were already working with them as far as extending their stay as much as they could.
Management confirmed the amount owed by female and fiancé at this time. Assistance was provided
for the couple and the 6-month-old baby.