Dec. 10th, 2019
December 10, 2019Dec. 20th, 2019
December 20, 2019On December 12, 2019, Officer Castilleja was dispatched to an assist from a female who was requesting information about the Community Care Fund. Officer Castilleja contacted the female who told him that she has been applying for 5-10 jobs a week attempting to look for employment. This female had a 16-month-old child at home. The female said that she had just received an eviction from management, due to being delinquent on this month’s rent, which had some late fees associated with it. The female told me she had contacted DSHS, and she is receiving additional money from them, but not until next month; meaning she would be evicted prior to that, putting her and her child on the street. The female articulated to Officer Castilleja her long-term goals, such as employment seeking and that, the state funding she would be receiving would help her keep up with rent due. Officer Castilleja consulted with Mental Health Professional staff to discuss whether there were additional resources for this individual; however, it seemed that she had exhausted all leads on available resources. Officer Castilleja talked with management and they advised that this particular tenant had not caused any issues, and this tenant did not have a history of being delinquent on rent. The female was extremely grateful the KPD Foundation was able to help her out with this significant amount of rent. It appeared that the female had worked diligently before contacting KPD for assistance, and had long-term goals to prevent this from happening in the future.