November 27th, 2022
November 28, 2022December 9th, 2022
December 10, 2022On 12/04/22 at approximately 1352 hours, Officer Armitage was dispatched to a welfare check. He was informed that a male had runaway from home again and was currently wearing a short sleeve shirt, pajama bottoms, and boots. The weather was approximately 28 degrees andsnowing. Male’s mother was driving around looking for him. He was found a very short time later in the Safeway parking lot. Mother arrived in her van which had both its driver side tires completely flat. Sara was going to drive home and park it and told us that shecurrently did not have the money to fix the tires. Male will time from time get out of the house and runaway. Male is autistic and has a fascination with water which is not too far from where she lives. When he gets out of the house, mother will call the police and then drive around in her van looking for him. Today, mother said she was trying to perform a U-turn believing she saw the male and her driver side wheels went over the train tracks causing both to pop. It was decided the Community Care Fund would be used to purchase two new tiresfor her van. In order to get the tires replaced, the van would need to be towed to a tire shop. Officer Armitage asked mother on bodycamera if she was ok with us having her vehicle towed to Firestone and having the tires replaced, which she responded yes. Mother and son were transported back to their home by police and the next tow from the tow list respond with was Ken’s Auto Rescue. I explained thesituation with the driver, who was willing to transport the vehicle for us and also provided a discount rate. At Firestone, Officer Armitage was told they would need four new tires as the other two tires were very badly worn and would have to be changed. The Community Care Fund was used for the tow bill and the tires at Firestone. Mother was given a ride back to Firestone so she could pick up her vehicle. With hertires fixed on her van, she can continue with her daily tasks and prepare for the Christmas season.