June 25th, 2022

June 23rd, 2022
June 24, 2022
June 27th, 2022
June 28, 2022
June 23rd, 2022
June 24, 2022
June 27th, 2022
June 28, 2022

On 06-25-22 at about 1335 hours Officer Wolf was dispatched to the Clearwater Square Apartment. Dispatch advised that an elderly malewith Alzheimer’s had locked himself out of his apartment. The reporting party was concerned for the male due to the heat. Officer Wolf arrived and contacted the elderly male. He was sitting outside on a bench and confirmed that he accidentally locked himself out of hisapartment and his keys were inside. Officer Wolf asked him if anyone had called a responsible at the location. He did not know. Officer Wolf then called the Clearwater Square Apartments emergency line with no answer. The reporting party had already also called theemergency line and had not heard back. He advised that he had no family in the area and his closest relative was in California. The decisionwas made to utilize the community care fund to call a locksmith to open his apartment door. Mount’s was then called who responded andunlocked his door to let him inside.