November 13th, 2020
November 19, 2020November 28th, 2020
December 1, 2020On November 20, 2020, at 1212 hours, Male called in for some assistance. He and his aunt left California and arrived in Kennewick on 11/08/2020. He was in need of medical assistance and she is confined to a wheelchair. They both were seen at area hospitals at that time and were put up in a motel for a couple nights until they could travel to Wisconsin. They ended up needing another night and were assisted on 11/10/2020. Due to medical issues and occurring events he could not control, they missed their first train. The doctors told them they would not make it to Wisconsin, so he traded his tickets to go back to San Luis Obispo, CA. They did not make the train and stayed in the Tri-Cities. They were unable to get their money due to banking issues, so they contacted a friend who loaned them money to stay another couple of days. The train to California only leaves on certain days and they were stuck here and out of money again. They have a cab lined up to take them to the train station and train tickets for the 0530 A.M. train on 11/21/2020. The Community Care Fund was used to get them some food for the night and a room at the Mote16. They will be receiving a wakeup call to make it to this train.